5 Best E-mail Marketing Tools To Use
E-mail marketing is a form of digital marketing that is done by sending messages, promotions, advertisements, newsletters, etc. to your target audience who is the recipient via e-mail.
So what you do in e-mail marketing is to create your best targeted promotion in an e-mail, and then to send that e-mail to the desired recipient with the aim of turning that them into a lead. The content of the e-mail may contain a personalized advertisement, a newsletter, product promotions, etc. The e-mail address of the recipient is very important as it is the location where you will be sending your messages to.
Setting up a successful e-mail marketing campaign is going to require you to create, test, optimize, and send all the e-mail messages to your e-mail list. Doing this can be very difficult especially in the case of targeted and personalized mails, as every single one of them is unique and has to be sent separately and to different recipients on your e-mail list.
But e-mail marketing tools are those software or programs which can help you to create your e-mails and to schedule when hey are going to be sent. By using e-mail marketing tools you will be able to make your whole campaign easier and more efficient.
E-mail marketing tools enable us to automate our campaign. The campaign can be automated by the tools because they are able to send the right message, to the right person, at the right time, by themselves. These type of automated e-mail are also called triggered e-mail. They are usually automatically sent after the person completes s task.
For example, when you get a new subscriber, you are required to send them a welcome e-mail to them to explain a few things or the e-mail might even be one requiring confirmation or thanking you for subscribing. The e-mail marketing tool will automatically send this message.
E-mail Marketing Tools
- MailChimp: mailchimp is one of the most used e-mail marketing tools in the world. It is as free marketing platform that offers a lot of services that includes; a rich collection of drag and drop e-mail templates which can be used to male your work easier, the segmentation tools which can be sued to target specific customers or to target specific behaviors, automations, analytics and report, etc.
2. Sender: This is an easy and straightforward e-mail marketing tool, it is affordable. Sender offers a lot of services to marketers like you who are interested in e-mail marketing. By using sender as your marketing tool, you will be able to make sure all you e-mails are delivered on time,sender can also automate your e-mail marketing. It also offers the option of personalizing one’s messages.
3. Sendinblue: This is an e-mail marketing tool that is user friendly and cloud-based.This means that the interface is easy to use and there is no need to download an app, all the processes takes place on the internet. It offers an automation service for your e-mails, content personalization, it also offers lists and contacts for you.
4. Omnisend: Omnisend is an eCommerce tailored email marketing tool that helps business that want to embark on the e-mail marketing strategy. It is an e-mail automation tool. It offers e-mail templates that can be used in your e-mail, segmentation, etc. It also has a lot of resources on how to grow your business, like; eBooks, blogs, podcasts, interviews, etc.
5. Hubspot: Hubspot is a customer relationship management platform, all your e-mails will be powered by customer data. Hubspot brings together all your marketing tools and their data. Their e-mail marketing tools also offers services like designing and sending professional e-mails, analyze data, etc.
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